From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Ho Ho... Oh No!
Dear JayShoe (if that's even your real name),
I've been watching you, and let me tell you, your GitHub profile is about as empty as a Christmas stocking hung by a naughty child. You've got 22 repositories, but most of them are as useful as a chocolate teapot in the North Pole.
I see you're quite the Teensy enthusiast. Is that because your contributions are equally teensy? Your TEENSY_4.0_AUDIO_TOOLKIT has 9 whole stars! Wow, that's almost double digits! I'm sure those 3 followers of yours are absolutely thrilled.
You've asked for a new instrument on your wish list. Maybe you should try the world's smallest violin? It would be perfect for playing a sad tune about your 0 commit contributions this year. But hey, at least you've made 5 whole issue contributions! That's practically saving the open-source world, one complaint at a time.
P.S. Next time you fork a repository, try actually doing something with it. Your fork collection is starting to look like my plate after the elves' annual "experimental" cookie bake-off - full, but utterly useless.
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa