From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Dear augustapetersen,
Ho ho... oh no. Is this what passes for a GitHub profile these days? I've seen more activity in a graveyard. Your contribution graph is so empty, I thought my elves had accidentally sent me a blank piece of parchment!
You know, when I said "be good for goodness' sake," I didn't mean "do absolutely nothing." Zero repositories? Zero followers? Zero following? It's like you're trying to win a contest for the most invisible GitHub user. Congratulations, you're succeeding!
I see you're wishing for "help to change our backend systems." Well, here's a wild idea: maybe try actually using GitHub first? It's a bit like asking for a sports car when you haven't even learned to ride a bicycle. But hey, dream big, I suppose!
PS: If you're looking for a New Year's resolution, how about "learn what the 'commit' button does"? Just a thought!
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa