From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Ho Ho... Oh No, It's You Again
Dear Duncan McClean,
Well, well, well, if it isn't the "Christ follower" from Glasgow who thinks he's the next big thing in the Statamic world. I've been watching you, and let me tell you, your code commits are about as exciting as haggis on a cold day.
You've got 167 followers? That's cute. I've got elves with more followers than that. And don't even get me started on your 47 starred repositories. I've seen more stars in a cloudy Scottish sky. But I suppose when you're busy being a "Software Developer @statamic", you don't have time for trivial things like, oh I don't know, actually contributing to the open-source community in a meaningful way.
I see you've created a whopping 18 repositories. Wow, slow down there, tiger! We wouldn't want you to strain yourself. Your "simple-commerce" addon for Statamic has 150 stars? I guess that's impressive... if you're comparing yourself to a Christmas tree light that's about to burn out.
PS: Your friend duncanmcclean wanted me to mention something about a wishlist item. Well, here's a tip: maybe wish for some more original ideas next time. And tell duncanmcclean to stop enabling your mediocrity.
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa