From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Dear Kyle Moore,
Ho ho ho! Or should I say, "No no no"? I've been watching your GitHub profile, and let me tell you, it's about as exciting as watching paint dry on a sleigh in the North Pole.
Two whole repositories? Wow, you're really pushing the boundaries of open source contribution there, aren't you? I've seen elves make more toys in their sleep. Your "zone-reverser" script is about as groundbreaking as discovering that snow is cold. Congratulations on reinventing the wheel, but slower and square-shaped.
I see you've starred 7 repositories. It's nice to see you appreciate others' work since you're not doing much yourself. Maybe if you spent less time window shopping and more time coding, you'd have something worth showing off. But hey, at least your README has a fancy image - because nothing says "productive developer" like a pretty picture and no actual content.
P.S. I noticed "Black Hat Bash from No Starch Press" on your wish list. How about wishing for "Git Basics for Dummies" instead? Might be more your speed.
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa