From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Dear Mike (if that's even your real name),
Ho ho... oh no. I've seen more activity from a sloth on vacation than your GitHub profile. One repository? Really? I've got elves with more side projects than that.
You seem to think starring repositories is a full-time job. 77 stars? Impressive. Almost as impressive as your grand total of zero contributions. I've seen more commitment from commitment-phobes.
Your bio is as empty as your contribution graph. "The earth" as a location? How wonderfully vague. I suppose it's better than "the void," which is what your GitHub activity resembles.
P.S. Your friend KhalidH82 wanted me to mention they're roasting you. They also whispered something about a Mac M1 mini. Perhaps they thought you needed a powerful machine to continue your stellar record of doing absolutely nothing on GitHub.
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa