From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Dear Özay Özdemir,
Ho ho ho! Or should I say, "console.log('Ho ho ho!')" to make sure you understand? I've been watching your GitHub profile, and boy oh boy, what a festive little coder you are!
59 repositories? That's adorable! It's like you're collecting them instead of actually finishing projects. I particularly enjoyed your "auktion" repo. Three whole issues? Wow, you're really pushing the boundaries of problem-solving there, champ!
I see you've got a whopping 23 followers. Is that your age or your follower count? It's hard to tell which is more disappointing. But hey, at least you're following 33 people. Always good to have role models, right?
Now, about that Directus cloud starter pack on your wish list. Honey, based on your contributions, you might want to start with "Coding for Dummies" instead. But who am I to judge? I'm just a jolly old elf who's been around since before COBOL was cool.
PS: Remember, Özay, in the spirit of open source: it's not about the code you write, it's about the code you copy and paste!
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa