From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Dear pepeday,
Ho ho ho! Or should I say, "Commit commit commit"? That's probably more your language, isn't it?
I've been watching your GitHub profile, and let me tell you, it's been quite the rollercoaster ride. Eight whole repositories? Wow, you're really pushing the boundaries of productivity there, aren't you? I particularly enjoyed your "healthTweets" project. One whole star? You must be so proud!
Your contribution graph looks like a barcode for "minimal effort." 36 commits? That's adorable. I've seen elves make more commits while wrapping presents. But hey, at least you're consistent in your inconsistency.
I see you're wishing for "A boilerplate directus ionic vue template!" this year. How ambitious! Maybe if you actually contributed to open source more than once in a blue moon, you wouldn't need to ask Santa for it. Have you considered the revolutionary idea of... making it yourself?
P.S. Next time you fork a repo, try adding some of your own code. It's not just for decoration, you know.
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa