From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Ho Ho... Oh No, It's You Again
Dear Rodrigo,
Well, well, well, if it isn't our favorite "Automation Enthusiast" from Mexico City. I've been watching you, and let me tell you, your GitHub profile is more cluttered than a hoarder's garage sale.
52 repositories? Really? Quantity over quality, I see. It's like you're trying to compensate for something. Maybe the fact that your most popular repo is a basic Tetris game? How... quaint. I'm sure the 24 people who starred it are very impressed by your ability to recreate a game from the 80s.
I noticed you're into Neovim now. Ah yes, because regular Vim wasn't hipster enough for you, was it? I bet you tell everyone at parties how it's "changed your life." Speaking of life-changing, I saw your wish for a new laptop. Here's a thought: maybe if you spent less time creating useless repos and more time on actual work, you could afford one yourself.
P.S. 315 followers? I've seen bread mold with a bigger fanbase. Maybe try automating your personality next time.
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa