From the Desk of
Open Source Santa Claus
Dear Romanic Andrea,
Ho ho ho! Or should I say, "No no no"? I've been checking my list twice, and your GitHub profile caught my eye like a blinking LED on a faulty circuit board.
Ah, I see you've been busy with your whopping four repositories. Impressive! That's almost as many as the number of people who've bothered to follow you. Two whole followers? My, my, you're practically a coding celebrity! I bet your mom and your cat are really proud.
I noticed you've made a grand total of two commit contributions this year. Two! That's one for each of your followers. How thoughtful of you to keep things balanced. And let's not forget your two pull requests - I'm sure they were absolutely groundbreaking. Perhaps next year you can aim for three and really push yourself?
Your wish for an "Official NestJS API-first OpenAPI Generator" is adorable. Maybe if you actually contributed to open source more than once in a blue moon, Santa might consider it. But for now, I think you'd have better luck wishing for a "How to Use GitHub for Dummies" book.
PS: Remember, in the world of open source, it's not about the quantity of your contributions, it's about the qual... Oh wait, never mind. In your case, it's neither.
Sarcastically yours,
Salty Open Source Santa